Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beyond Night

History/ Memories
- Talks about his mother's past life before she dies
- In every room there is a past memory
'She would sit for hours by her bed bent over a Yiddish book that she glanced at from time to time"
- Found her handbags and looked back into her past.
"her handbags were old, frayed and bloated with mysteries. Within them I was to recover, on this night of mourning, the maps of her heart, the essence of her obsession, the source of her pain; just as I had as a child, discovered the street of Vilna within her beloved photo album"

Horror/ Mystery. Macarbe
- The mothers fear for her family: " i could have done more to save them" she repeated again and again the same refrain.

The mothers child looks for answers to her mystery. They find the answers when they go through the handbags " I reached out for the frayed handbags and one by one for the first time , I examined their contents.

The horror is what happened to the mother "like a storim she would erupt and for hours she would weep"

Supernatural and mental illness
- The mother develops a mental illness after thinking about her family too much and begins to become obsessed with getting them out of Vilna

-"i could've done more" expresses her obsession with getting her family out of Vilna

-"she sat in the back room for hours reading a giddish book" because she is isolating herself because of her guilt.

"to the darker recesses of the house"
The house was dark and the old lady preferred to live in a dark bare house
The back room in her house was where she would sit and sleep all night "she sat in her back room for hours"
"And I often wondered, why did she prefer such a dark and bare room"

Please comment on this blog about the:
Meaning- what does the writer want you to think
in Beyond Night

Is there anything similar about this short story and other's within Dark House?
what are the characters afraid of?
how is fear created in this short story?
how do the characters deal with fear?



  1. Beyond Night.
    Arnold Zable

    Questions left unanswered.

    1-What is she being haunted by.
    2-what could she have done to save them.
    3-who is telling the story is it a boy or a girl.

  2. This story was very confusing.
    Characters: Boy/girl (it)

    Theames: Nazism

    Who's telling the story?
    I child of the mother is telling the story. I think it is a guy because he talks about his mother raising his 3 sons and all the boys sleep in one room. He never talks about a sister but only 3 boys.

    What is the mother being haunted by?
    The mother is being haunted by her past saying "I could of done more to save them". She is talking about her family in Germany. She was over in Australia and the rest of her family is in Germany when the Nazi's are taking over. Vilna was were all her family was and the Nazi's burnt down the town and she lost her whole family.

    Why does she think she could of done more to help: Because she feels guilty that she lived and they didn't

  3. characters-
    narrator boy/girl?


    who is telling the story?
    I think it is a boy telling the story because they say "As I proceeded in the darkness, along the narrow passage into the second bedroom in which I had slept with my two brothers"
    what is she being haunted by?
    I think that the mother is being haunted by the ghosts of her family who lived in Vilna, and were killed by Hitler and his army of Jew haters, because she feels she is responsible for not getting them out of the place before it was burnt to the ground.

  4. do you think the old ladys child is a boy or a girl?
    I think the old ladys child is a boy bacuse it say that he and the tow other brothers slept in that room. why would u have a girl in the same room as two other boys?

    What could have the mother done to save her parents and siblings?
    i think she could have saved them by telling them that by staying wasnt a good idear and that they should try and come over aswell, becuse they would have had a better life.

  5. ~Question 1~
    Is the person telling the stiry male or female?
    -I think that the person telling the story is male, my reasons for believing this is in the story it tells the reader of the mother and how she raised her three boys, also in the story the person tells of where he slept with thier brothers.

    ~Question 2~
    What is it that haunts the mother?
    -I think that the thing that haunts her is that she believes that she could've done more to help her family and friends. She almost takes responsibilty for their death. It is clear that she feels extremly guilty.

  6. Questions Unanswered-

    Is a male or female telling the story?
    I think it is a male because they talk about her having 3 sons and tells us that they shared a room there with there 2 brothers.

    How did the mother die?
    I think that the mother died of old age as they talk about her being an old lady and about her being 85 years old.

    Why does she think she could have done more?
    Because she got away out of Vilna and was able to start a new life in Australia,while her family stayed in Vilna and were killed during the war...:(

  7. beyond night is kind of like the story, The album, because of the way one of the people find the album that has photos in wich could
    answer questions.
    Beyond night,the charecter are affraid of the mothers scalloton that he can still see. an wants to find out about his mothers life.
    fear is created in this story by the little boy wantting to know about his mothers past and what he could of done to save his family.the characters deal with fear in this story, by the little boy finding his mothers hand bags wich holds his mothers life stry in it, wich in the end helps feel not hornted any more.

  8. i didn't really find this short story scary it was just strange. the only question i think is was the person telling the story a boy or a gir?

  9. How is fear created in the story?
    The story was very weird. i didnt really understand it. fear was created when the narrator (it was unkonwn whether the narrator was a boy or a girl) bagan looking through the dead mothers hand bags, news paper articals and photo albums and learns that the mother was crazy becuase of what happened to her family.


  10. 1. Who's telling the story?
    I thinks it is the girl telling the story

    2. Is it a boy or a girl?
    I think its a girl, because she says i sleep in here with my two brothers.

    3. What is the house haunted by?
    I think its haunted by her mother

  11. Is it a boy or a girl telling the storie?
    I think it is a boy because the mothers children all have to stay in the same bedroom so i think it would be a boy and his two brothers.

    How did the mother die?
    I think she just died of old age because it said eighty six years ago.

    Why does she think she could of done more to help her family?
    I think she wanted to do more because she was the only one to survived and she would feel guilty, i also think she might wanted to more so she could have a family to be with in her house.

  12. Beyond Night - Arnold Zable..

    Plot: The person is staying at his mother's house to moarn after her death.. The person looks back on his past trying to work out why his mother was so crazy. She comes from a different country and the person works out by looking through his dead mother's hand bag that she was so crazy because she tried her hardest to get her family back with her but she couldn't. She believed it was her fault.

    Is the person telling the story (the child of the mother) a boy or a girl?
    I do not know whether the child is a boy or girl. But, it does say that the child slept with the two brothers, so i believe it may of been a boy.

    What was the mother haunted by?
    The mother was haunted by herself and how she didn't get her family back to her new country. It might be on her conscience that it was her fault for her family to be living there where the war was. She would of felt guilty because she managed to escape, but left her family to die. She was haunted by that. The book said she tried many things to help them but couldn't.

    What more could she have done to save them?
    There wasn't much more she could of done to save them. She wrote letters, trying to get them evacuated by couldn't.

  13. I think i need to read this again. strange much!


    -what was the mother haunted by?
    -was the story teller a girl or boy?

  14. i no i said to be continued but...all i have to say is that the story was strange
