Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Cat and the Crow

The Cat and the Crow
Macabre (horror/mystery/scary)
- "entering his body and trying to steal his soul"
- "He could hardly return to his bed, filled with the fear of his brother and the guilt which hounded him with that most unsettling of thoughts- that Stefan's nagging accusations were true"
- "I'm back, David. Back to divide up our body once more. I want my turn" p 209
- "Though he could not deel no change with his fingers, he imagined it was opening like a zipper"
- The appearance of the black crow
- It wanting his life
- getting in his head and talking to him.

Houses- Old and Dark
- David's bedroom window, drawing an immediate and irresistable sense of dread over him
- David broke away from the window and stumbled through the room, tripping over clothes and books by his bed until he fell in the darkness.
- The crow would come to his window when the house was dark.
- He was trapped in his house it was the only safe place away from the crow.

History/ Memories
- "five months after this article appeared, Stefan had died" p206
- The magazine article with its faded pictures. Dr Gordon decided to make the incision close to Stefan's heart and leave the small flap of tissue joined to David's where it would eventually become part of his heart" p212-213
- memories of his dead brother.

Supernatural/ Mental Illness
- "the voice was now inside his very body. He was one with his brother once more" p219
- "The bosy rose from the bed, stepped to the cupboard" p215
-" predator and prey were only metre apart now" p216
- he heard voices, thinking they were coming from his dead brother
- the spirit of his brother entered his body and took his conscience.

Please comment on this blog about the:
Meaning- what does the writer want you to think
in the Cat and the Crow

Is there anything similar about this short story and other's within Dark House?
what are the characters afraid of?
how is fear created in this short story?
how do the characters deal with fear?



  1. was his brother really talking to him?
    i think that he was just hearing things, because his brother died so i thnk that he is just thinking that his brother is there.

    Why did the brother that died want to swap bodies with his brother?
    well it cant really happen because he is dead and the brother that is alive is going crazy because he thinks that his brother can kill him. he wants to swap bodies because he died when they had to cut the hart and all that beacause they were twins and one died so he wants to be the one living.

    Is David going crazy?
    i think that he would be going crazy because he can hear his brother saying i want to be in your body i want to be the one living and all that if i was him i would of went crazy.

  2. The cat and the crow

    The cat and the crow is about a boy named david believing he can hear his brother wanting want is ment to be his. Then his brother comes into his head making david believe he is crazy. David then gives Stefan hs consience.

    Was Stefan really there?
    I think David believes he is there beacause his consciences is big and he is feeling guilty that he lived and Stefan didn't.

    Why was Stefan trying to be the one living? I think because David has had a chance to live and it wasn't David who got the missing part of the heart. I think Stefan just wants to see what he is missing out on and is a bit jelouse that David lived and Stefan didn't.

  3. Cat and the Crow - James Moloney

    Plot: Cat and the crow is about a boy named David, who is a siamese twin. His twin, Stefan, died when they were very young. In the book, a crow wakes David in the middle of the night, every night for a while. It talks to him with the voice of David's dead siamese twin. Stefan wants to take over David's body and live a life he never got the chance to live. He makes David feel guilty because he thinks that it was David's fault that he died. When Stefan tries to take over his body, David stands up for himself and shoots the crow/Stefan to get rid of him. David gives Stefan his conscience..

    Characters: David, Stefan, Crow, Father, Mother, Fiona (sister), cat.

    Was the crow/Stafan really talking to David or was he imaging it?
    I don't think the crow was talking to David, i think it was his conscience. David was feeling bad and putting himself down because Stefan died. He reads something that was in the newspaper about the twins and it says that there was a small flap of tissue that joined their hearts and when the operation to seperate them proceded the tissue was cut close to Stefan's heart and not David's.
    After reading that David feels bad, so i think it was his conscience talking to him, not the crow or Stefan.

    Why did David give Stefan his conscience? And how?
    Well, i think he gave him his conscience because that was the problem, he was getting depressed over what "Stefan" was trying to do. If he gave his conscience to Stefan then he would no longer believe that Stefan should of lived rather than him.
    I don't know how he gave him the conscience though.

  4. The Cat and The Crow- James Moloney

    This is a story about a boy who has just moved to the country with his family, he feels guilty about the death of his brother after they had been separated from being
    siamese twins.
    David thinks that his brother is trying to get him, and that his brother is in the form of a crow.
    Question 1
    was the crow really talking?
    i dont think it was i just think it was David's imagination combined with his guit that made him belive that the crow was his dead breoher.

    Question 2
    Did David really give Stefan his conscience?
    i dont think he did, i think that David was able to get over the fact that he survived whilst his brother died by shooting the crow and letting the cat get it.
    He was able to belive that he was the one who got to live and it wasnt his fault.

    Question 3
    Was david going insane?
    i dont think he was insane but he wasnt in a great mental state either. He thought that his dead brother was coming to get him, and that his dead brother was a crow.
    All these facts point to an unstable mind, however veing overcome by grief and guilt play a role in his minds health.

  5. David, thats me :)

    David wanted to know what happened to his siamese brother when the clippings said that everything was normal and that they'd both be fine. Stefen died at 5months and David was still fine. David started getting called by things in the tree only to find a scarcrow sitting on a branch talking to him.
    The crow kept talking to him and following him around trying to get back what was rightfully his. David had chances to kill the crow but in the end never could.

    The crow was then believed to be Stefan talking to him wanted back what was his. He wanted a chance at life, as David had 15 years of it. The crow scared him and David locked every windown and door so the crow couldnt come in and take him conscience.

    THE END;

    David killed stefan the (Crow) as he couldnt stand the voices and things that were driving him insane. He never told his parents about this.


    -what else happend to fiona??
    -Was david insane??
    -why did stefan come back as a crow?

  6. The Cat and The Crow

    The main charachter is David. David was a simease twin and unfoutunatly him and his brother shared some organs one being the heart, the doctors seperated the twins but david got a bit more, they thought that the twis were both going to live a good life but unfotunatly his brother died not long after the operation.
    15yrs later when david and his father were out shooting he started to hear the voice of his deceaced broter though a crow. David soon got scard of this crow bacuse stephen was talking about getting back what was rightfully his, when he spoke like this David didnt no what he was on about untill he went back and read though the articles carfully. David got started to get so scard that he had two locks fixed to his bedroom window and started to lock hid bedroom door whenever he left it. David soon dicided to give Stphen back what he wanted but he found out that he wanted more he wanted his life too. David fianly had the courage to shoot stephen in the wing and he fell to the ground, the wild cat soon finnished him off.
    David now didnt feel scard or didnt feel bad that he got to live and his brother didnt.

    1.Could David really hear his brother?
    Personly i dont think he could, i think it was his mind playing games on him, sometimes crowa sound like they are talking and calling out your name.

    2.If David didnt shoot the crow what would have happend?
    I think if he hadnt of done anything about the crow i think he could have started to go insane.

    3.How did David give Stephen his conscience?
    I dont really think he gave Stephen his conscience i just think that David realised that it wasnt his falt that his brother died and that he couldnt have done anything and if it was really stephen in the bird i think he got a conscience after David showed that he was stronger, thoughtout the book Stephen was a stronger charater and was able to make David feel bad but when David soon realised it wasnt his falt n didnt feel bad Stephen soon felt he guilt n was the weaker person.

  7. The Cat and the Crow....:P

    The cat and the crow is about a young boy named David who is being haunted by his siamese twin brother, Stefan, who has retured as a crow. He is attepting to take over Davids body so that he can live. When he attempts to somehow David gives Stefan his conscience, then David has the courage to shoot the bird and allows the cat to eathim....:P


    -Was the crow really talking to David as a Stefan????

    I think that it wasnt really talking to him, and that David was just feeling guilty that he survived and Stefan didnt..:(

    - Why did David give Stefan his conscience???

    Because he had finally come to terms with his brothers death and realised that he had no effect on it and he did not need to feel guilty anymore...:)

  8. The cat and the crow
    (weird story)

    PLOT--This short story is about a boy called David. He was born as a Siamese twin. His twin Stephan died shortly after the two were sperated. One particular day, Davids dead twin brother returns to haunt him...but as a crow? Stephen attempts to make David feel guilty about his death and wants to take over his body, and live the life that David has. The crow ends up turning turning David insane untill he finally gives in and gives him his conceince...something happens....dont no what and then David shoots the crow which is then eaten by the cat..

    CHARACTERS--David, Stephan (the crow), mother, father, Fiona

    What did the cat have anything to do with the story??
    i no it was mentioned once at the start and it ended up killing the crow but...it wasent really involved in the story..

    -Why did Stephan return as a crow?
    -Why did Stephan decided to return?
