Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Staircase

The Staircase
Macabre (Horror/ Mystery/ Fear)
- The staircase
- The sister's
- The house
- How the sister's died
- That the people died a couple of days after they saw the staircases

- the girls in the house
- the house
- the fact that people who see the staircase die soon after
- the staircase itself

Mental Illness.
- the girl that walked in front of the car. She wore black and was plump like the sisters

History/ Memories
- the house burnt down
- When the house burnt down and the staircase was the last to burn. The sisters were seen walking up and down it with no expressions on their faces.
- Every person who sees the staircase, dies within a couple of days.

Houses- Old and Dark
- dark
- old
- the staircase was always on fire.

Please comment on this blog about the:
Meaning- what does the writer want you to think
in the staircase

Is there anything similar about this short story and other's within Dark House?
what are the characters afraid of?
how is fear created in this short story?
how do the characters deal with fear?



  1. Was the staircasae really there or was it a dream?
    i think that he was seeig things, because i dont think there would be a staircase burning and then they said if you have seen the staircase burning you would die.

    Why was there a staircase burning with two girls on it?
    how can the the two girls be alive if they are on fire and walking up and down the staicase not saying anything or yelling, they were just walking slowly how can that happen? i think that they were just imagining the two girls walking because that can not happen. they would be dead. and why did the staircase not burn down?

  2. The staircase

    The staircase is about a man named Dale who has seen the staircase and is not sure if it is real. Or if he is going to die like th rest of the people who have seen it. And to his suprise the nextday he does die in the boxing arena. The serge who told Dale all the stories later see's the staircase himself and is scared he will two die.

    Was the staircase real?
    Its hard to say because most of the people have been there before and only some see it. There is a case that it might be in there mind or it could be surpernatural. I think it is supernatural. Also we do know that was a real staircase with girls on it burning because pwoplw saw it. But how come they didn't die then????

    Was the two girls really on the staircase while it was burning?
    I think its another case of the supernatural. It hard to say because how can two people be burning alive with out crying in pain and just be sitting there. There maybe a lot of different answers to this question like they were imagining it but i thin k the real reason was it was supernatural.

    Did he die?
    No, he didn't die because at the start of the book it said it began on a friday night SEVEN YEARS AGO. So i think he is retelling the storey.

  3. The Staircase - Gary Crew

    Plot: The sargent is telling one of his police stories about a staircase. When someone sees the staircase, somehow they end up dead.
    A house burnt down and the witnesses who saw it, saw a staircase there after the rest of the house had burnt down. There were two ladies on it, they were burning alive but didn't really look like they cared.
    From then on anyone who saw the staircase died some time after.
    The sargent sees the stair case, then goes back to the fire station to write down his story about everyone who died after seeing it and how he saw it.. He then wonders if he will die.

    Characters: The sargent, Marge, Anderson sisters, Mason (saw the staircase and soonly after committed suicide), Hennessy (saw the staircase and got killed by walking infront of a car), boy flying a kite (sees it and dies during the night from a fever), Dale (saw it then died from being punched in the temple)

    Did the Sargent die?
    No, he did not die. At the beginning of the story he says that his story begins on a Friday night almost seven years ago. So he mustn't of died.

    Why didn't Barny and the Sargent die when they'd already seen the staircase?
    Because just because a bunch of people died after they saw it doesn't mean every person who saw it would die.

    Did all those people really see the staircase? Or was it their imagination?
    I think they may have or it may of been their imagination. If it was their imagination how could so many people "imagine" the same thing and see it exactly the same as the other person. On the other hand seeing a staircase on fire in the middle of a town seems pretty strange especially because it happens to dissapear soonly after seeing it..

  4. The Staircase - GAry Crew

    The Story starts off about a Sargent telling a younger collegue of the 'burning staircase' and how everyone that sees this ends a dead a few days later.
    The Sargent explains stories of those who have seen the staircase.
    The younger collegue tells of how he saw it.
    The younger person dies in a boxing match, the Sargent then sees the Staircase.

    Question 1
    Was the Staircase really there?
    i think it was because people have claimed to see it, and all of the people are different ages so you couldnt say that only the people who know the story of the house burning down could imagine that they saw it.

    Question 2
    Does the Sargent die?
    I thin he does. Although it states at the begging of the book the story starts almost seven years ago, the sargent says at the end almost that only yesterday he was on Guilfoil Street when he heard russling leaves and saw the Staircase. The story STARTED SEVEN YEARS AGO, the sargent tells you he had just seen the staircase the day before.

  5. This short story is about a young police officer called Dale, when Dale was out for a walk one afternoon at 3pm he heard the sound of leaves rustling in the distance, turning to look what he saw next was unbelieveable, he saw a burning stair case on a vacant lot where the Andersons house had once stood, and in no time at all it was gone.
    when he starts tell the sargent his story you start to think that this young police officer may be mentally ill. But then the sarg starts his story so now you think that the stair case was really there and that he was'nt mentally ill.
    It was belived that if you were there at 3pm on the worng afternoon you would see this stair case and end up dead within a matter of days. The sargent was one of the few people who didnt belive in this Myth, untill it came the the night of the boxing match Dale was fighting in, he got hit in the temple and died before he even hit the ground, it was then the sargent started to think that this myth these people talk about could actully be true.
    years laters when the sargent was about to retire and take his wife on the holiday he had prommised her when he walked past the vacent lot where the Andersons house had once stood, he heard the sound of leaves rustling, without thinking her turnd to look and saw the burning stair case.
    The sarg went straight back the the station to wright about what he had just saw, but he now belived in the myth.

    there were many question in this short story that are left unanswerd.

    1.why did the sisters only come out at 3pm everyday and wearing nothing but black?
    I think they came out at the particular time was because it was when the kids came out of school and i think they might have wanted to put fear into the kids and parents so that they wouldnt distube them at their house.

    2.Did the sargent die?
    This is a hard question because this was one of the last things in the book, but i do think the sargent died as everyone else who claimed to have seen it had died.

    3.Why were the two duaghters on the stair case when it was burning and not wanting any help or having any fear in there faces?
    This was one of the first question that poped into my heard after reading it, and still i have no idear what to think about it, mayby they wernt really there mayby it was some sort of spell or somthing they put on so it looked like they had burnd to death so no one would ever question anything about them.

    4.Why is it that only the stair case appears and not another part of the house?
    I think mayby it was beacuse Felicity and Gracey had died on it.

    5. If Felicity and Gracey had died why is it that when that woman who walked infront of that car was examinded that she looked exactly like the girls and was wearing black and had just about every artical on the fire and the sisters?
    Mayby one of the girls didnt really die in the fire mayby she got away n there was some sort of spell making it look like she was on the stair case that day.

    These were just a few of the unanswerd question i had.

  6. hello :)

    This one wasnt exactly the weirdest it was easier to understand.

    It was about the young, fit, police officer named Dale; that was walking past and having a look around the Guilfoil Street and valley at around 3pm. When the Anderson sisters used to come back from there daily shopping ect. When he heard a whisltling and leaf rustling noise. He turned to see a staircase burning on fire in the middle of an empty house block. He walked in the gates of the fence way to see that the staircase had dissappeared and there was no sighn and trace of any recent ashes or holes for the gas pipe.

    Serge was left to tell him about the stories and rumours that were left pondering around the town about the night the Anderson House caught on fire and how they died a silent death. Dale wanted Serge to tell him everything, after all Barney (Pub man) had told him some stories.
    The story of Grace and Felicity Anderson. Believed to be to single sisters that could connect peoples spirits with their deceased relations, that died from an house fire one night. Everyone was sure they were inside and saw them burning on a staircase, not even crying out in pain.

    Dale died the next day. And Serge was the next to see the staircase.

    It was figured out that everyone who saw the staircase at 3pm or roughly that time would tell the story hoping someone would believe them and die the very next day in some accident.


    -Did the Serge actually end up dieing?
    -Why did the go out near the time of 3pm?
    -Was Mrs Hennessey an Anderson sister?
    -Why did Grace and Felicity were just black?
    -Who set the house on fire, or was it an accident?
    -Why did the Anderson's want to punish people?

  7. I agree with Darcy i think this one was easier to understand and follow...


    Staircase is about a young officer who sees the staircase and tells serge who tells him the background behind the burning staircase and what will supposebly happen to anyone who sees it....:0

    The story is about two sisters who burn in there house and are seen on the spiral staircase. Now when people walk down that street at 3pm if they see the "burning staircase" it is said that they will die within the week. There had been 3 cases before the young officer saw it...


    -Can people really see the staircase?
    I dont think they could and it was just a figure of there imaginaton, and maybe wanted to beleive that theyd seen it.

    -Will the Serge die?

    I think that he probably will but it is hard to say because it was at the very end of the book, but all of the others who claim to have seen it have died...:(

  8. * The staircase - by Gary Crew

    ~ The staircase is about a young policeman who sees the burning staircase on a spare lot downtown that some others have claimed to have seen also.Serge explains the story of how the whole staircase thing came about, because he was there the day it happened. The 3 others that claimed to have witnessed the staircase in flames have died, the serge explains to him. The young cop is now scared that he will die.

    He dies the next night in a boxing accident.

    Seven years later the serge is downtown at around 3pm, (the time of day that the staircase appears)where he turns around to see.....
    - the staircase.
    The story ends with serge fearing for his life.

    ~ Could they really see the staircase?
    I believe they could, there was too many examples for it just to be their imagination. And of course, it is a story. It can be imaginative!!

    ~ Why did Mrs. Hennessey look so much like the Anderson sisters?
    I don't think that she was one of them not being dead. I think that she was crazy and decided to dress up like them. I dont know why, it just sounds good. Shes weirdd!!

    ~ Will the serge die?
    I think that he will, just because there have been so many examples that they really cant be coincidences anymore. Or he could survive, he could be the lucky one!

  9. ~Staircase~

    PLOT--The staircase is a short story about a young policeman who is feeling anxiouse one night after he beleives he has seen a burning staircase earlier that day. He describes what he has seen to another policeman on duty, thinking that he will laugh, but to his suprise has seen it too. He tells the young policeman about his expieriance and stories he has heard about people who have seen the burning staircase. Suspence is created when the Sargent tells the young policeman that people who have seen the staircase, are known to dye the next day...

    CHARACTERS-- The sargent, Dale, the Anderson sisters, Hennessy and Mason.

    Q1-Was Mrs. Hennessy (who walked inn front of a car and coincidently wore black)and Anderson sister??

    Q2-How did the Anderson sisters house catch alight??

    Q3-Why do only some witnessess of the burning staircase die??

    Q4-The Sargent witnessed the burning staircase and the Anderson sisters in flames. Why is he not dead?

    --i must say that i actually understood most of this story...the rest are sooo queer

  10. Can someone please help me to find what stylistic features they used in the novel?
