Thursday, September 17, 2009

Discussion Question 2

Horror Stories reflect Childhood Memories. Discuss
Refer to the text for evidence.


  1. When you are young and vulnerable.
    You believe things that are not true just because people told you.
    You also have a wild imagination which can make things up. like seeing ghosts.
    You also don't have any common sense.

  2. Horror storeys are about childhood memorys because
    -childern are Vaurabil
    -Have imaginary friends telling them stuff
    -Big imagination
    -not in control

  3. Some horror stories are about childhood memories bacause when you are a child you have a very good and strong imagination, you dont know as much as what you do when you get older, you believe averything you hear and are very vulnerable to most things.


  4. wen ur a kid, u have an amagitive amagination. children can make up anything and they belive anything if you tell them. when i was youngh i had a imagernary friend (cant remember its name) i would always talk to it when i was in the garden or on the trepoline. it was my best friend but we all grow out of it. the fact of having a friwend that no one else couyld see wwas so good.. i didnt want no 1 else to no it... hahaha When you are young and vulnerable.
    You believe things that are not true just because people told you.

  5. Horror Stories reflect Chilhhod Memories
    -Children are very vulnerable
    -having a imaginary friends

  6. - Children have imaginations which help creat horror storys.

    - Children belive everything so it puts ideas into their minds

  7. - Childrens:

    -Believe eveything they get told

  8. .... Some horror stories are about children or adults realising their childhood because being a child is scary (when you think back). You had no idea what you were doing.
    - you believe anything someone told you.
    - you didnt know much
    - you were VULNERABLE.
    - and you had a huge imagination. =)

  9. scary stories are about childrens memories. because they belive everything they hear and there imagination is wide open all the time and they are vulnerable.

  10. Horror stories reflect childhood memories as when you are young you have a fantastic imagination. And a tendancy to jump to far fetched conclusions. Why are the socks missing?
    because a evil moster came into your room and ate them while you were asleep.

    Children also believe everything

  11. *Young minds dont know right from wrong.
    *no common sense/ believe everything
    *Have a widen imagination
    *young ones believe everything they hear, even if it was from a stranger or brother or sister.
