Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Princess in the Tower

Notes on Princess in the Tower
• Ginny is scared of the dark- “But I was never scared on nights when my father came to tell me a story”
• Very descriptive- draws story out
• Metaphors- “a tree whose leaves were small pointed flames” p26.
• Similes- “sailing across the sky like a cloud” p30
• Names of authors of books she reads all thriller/ horror
• “No I won’t.. not tonight” – confident her father will come back
• There is a hint that he is dead- ‘wondered whether my father would come back to continue my bedtime story” – in macabre there is a lot of questioning and hints to the real truth
• “… and it’s not as if I know anyone who’s buried there”- denial
• Mum doesn’t understand her
• Long winded sentences build suspense
• P37- Ginny description of her life other than nightmares and bedtimes stories is blunt and short- unimportant- boring
• Repetition p39- exaggerates
• Climax is right at the end- builds suspense
• No resolution she is still searching for her dad who died 2 and a ½ years ago.

Please comment on this blog about the:
Meaning- what does the writer want you to think?
in the Princess in the Tower

what are the characters afraid of?
how is fear created in this short story?
how do the characters deal with fear?



  1. 1.Can she really see her father?
    I seriously dont think she can see him, I think she dosnt want to belive he is dead.

    2.How old is she?
    I think she is around 13-14

    3. Is she insain?
    Yes she is in the head

    4. Why is she scared of the shaddows?
    Maby she dosnt feel comfeted, or maby she dosnt no what the shaddows are, or maby her dad could be messing her head up. I dont really no ?

  2. 1. Can Ginny realy see her dad?
    No i think that it is just all in her head and that shes stuck in the past.

    2. How old is she?
    Ginny sounds like she is 10 but realy shes older.

    3. What were her last night mares about?
    Shadows, Evil people and her dad leaving her.

    4. Why is she scared of the shadows?
    I dont realy know its a quistion that has no answer. Her dad could be messing with her head or mabey she dosent feel comforted. Ginny may not no what the shadows are and is still shocked that her dad is gone.......

  3. How old id Ginny?
    i think Ginny is a teenager because how she said she cheeks out the boys at the bus stop, but its confusing after when she said abou the bus stop when she said she was going to go play on the monkey bars.

    Was he father really there?
    I dont think he is there, Ginny just thinks he is when she is dreaming.

    Why is she scared of the shadows?
    i think Ginny is scared of the shadows because she is scared of the dark, and that Ginny does not no what the shadows are of, so that makes her scared.

  4. How old is Ginny? - In the story Ginny maybe a teenager but throught she does very childish things...We think she maybe older because it has been over two years since her father died.

    Can she really see her father? - In the darkness Ginny sees her father come to her and tell her stories.

    What are her nightmares really about? - There are many things that could contribute to her nightmare including her farthers death , the horror stories that she reads and her visits to the cemetery...

    WHy is she scared of shadows? - Bescause she doesnt know what they are and is afraid of what could happen if they get too close.

  5. The fear is created when her father is telling Ginny the storey. The storey is called princess in the tower. She starts to get scared when evil over comes Ginny and she starts to get scared. she starts to cry and choke. Then her mother tells us that her father is dead.
    They leave us with questions.

    How old is Ginny?- i think Ginny is around 10ish. Because she checks out boys but wants to play on the monkey bars like little kid. But it also shows how kidish she is saying daddy and stuff.

    What are her nightmares about?- I think her nightmares are about her father dieing. I think he died in like an accident and i think thats all she thinks about.

    Can she really see her father?- i think she believes she can see him but is dreaming that she can.

    Is she insane?- I don't think she is insane but to busy grieving for her father.

    Why is she scared of the shadows?-Because she is scared of things that she can't explain.

    What is she really affraid of?- i think she is really afraid of losing her father

    Why do you think she is indenial?- i think she is in denial becuase she doesnt want to believe that he is dead. She said she doesnt know anyone in the cementry but she would of had to.

  6. 1. How old is ginny?

    once you have finnished reading the Princess in the tower one of the first questions you ask your self is how old is ginny. i think ginny would be in her early teens, but she speaks as if she is about 10.

    2. Can Ginny really see her father?

    i think ginny cant really see her father, i think she has turned into a mentally ill girl after her fathers death, that is still in that past.

    3. What were her nightmares about?

    i think her nightmares were about her father, and how he died.

    4. Why is she scared of the shaddows?

    i think she is scared of the shaddows because she doesnt no what they are and what they could do.

    5. What is she really afriad of?
    i think ginny is really afriad of forgetting her father.

  7. How old is Ginny??
    It is hard to put Ginny's age into prespective as it is hard to tell her real age. In some parts of the book she acts older, like for example when she mentions "checking out the boys", but in other parts of the book, she seems like a little girl, like when she talks about her dad reading her bedtime stories.

    Can Ginny really see her father?
    I beleive that Ginny cant see her father. I think he is like a hallucination, almost like he is all in her head. Her father read her bedtime stories when he was alive but the stories he reads to her now are apart of her hallucinations.

    Why is she scared of the shadows?
    I beleive that Ginny is scared of the shadows because her father isnt there to confort her anymore. I think that when her father was alive, he almost 'protected' her from the shadows and now that he is gone, there is nobody to protect her.

  8. Question 1
    How old is Ginny?
    - I think that Ginnny is about 10 to 11, the reason for this is that she still loves hearing her fathers fairytales and only feels safe when her father is around or when her sister's light is on.

    Question 2
    Can Ginny really see her father?
    - I think the she cannot, i think that her seeing her father and him teling her stories and is her way to deal of greiving. She imagines that he is still there so she dosn't have to face the fact that he has indeed died.

    Question 3
    What were her nightmares about?
    - I think her nightmares are about the shadows that scare her and and the monsters from her fathers stories.

    Question 4
    Why is she scared of th shadows?
    - I think the reason for her being scared of the shadows is that the shadows represent the unknown and she is affraid of not knowing. Also she doesn't know what the shadows are but they make her feel more alone.

    Question 5
    What is she really scared of?
    - I think that she is really just affraid of being alone, since her father's death no one has been reading her stories at night and making her feel safe, imagining her father is there is just a way of making her feel safe, as soon as her father leaves she becomes scared of the shadows and everything else, as soon as he comes and starts telling her the stories she feels relaxed and calm.

  9. Can she really see her father (edited)? -I think that Ginny believes that she can see her father in the darkness, but it is only in her imagination.....:P

  10. How old is Ginny?
    At first Ginny seems to be a teenager how she talks about living in the house for so many years but as the story goes on you start to wonder how old she really is because in it she thinks "I thought of half a dozen reasons on the spot from checking out the guys at Kingswood Hall bus-stop to playing on the monkey bars in the park". It starts to confuse you when she says this but I think that she is older but her Dads stories keep her mind in the past.

    What were Ginny's last nightmares about?
    In the book Ginnys' Mum talks about her last lot of nightmares which I think could of had something to do with her Fathers death.

    Can she really see her Dad?
    No, I think that what she thinks she is seeing is a halucination and not really there.

    Why is she scared of the shadows?
    Inthink that Ginny is scared of shadows because her Dad is dead and she thinks that the shadows will take him away and she will never see him again.

  11. how old is she?
    i think she is around 15 maybe 16 and that her dad died when she was about 13 and she can't face that her dad is gone.

    why is she like this?
    it was obvious she and her dad had a fairly good relationship.. He use to read her bedtime story's this helped her sleep because she said she could only sleep when her dad had read her a story before bed this made her feel idno prtected or something..

    which makes you wonder how old she really is, she must of been really young as when he pasted away because her mind is like a little kids.. it's like it's in her head stuck on rewind, that she just can't face the fact he has gone she's in denial.

  12. The writer wants you to think that Ginny's father is alive, until the end where we find out her father has been dead for 2 & 1/2 years.

    Characters include: Ginny, Mia, Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
    King, Princess..

    How old is Ginny?? i think Ginny is around thirteen or fourteen years old because she talks about checking out boys at school, and doing things with her friend Mia. She acts like a young child because she is living in her father's past when he died 2 & a half years ago.

    Can she really see her father?
    I don't think she can see her father. She just thinks he's there but he isn't..

  13. -The author makes you believe from the start that Ginny's father is alive. There a small hints throughout the text, but only really small ones that you don't understand until the end.

    - I believe Ginny is around the age of about 14-16, but stuck in the past of about 2 years. She talks about checking out guys, which means she cant be too young.

    To be continued...

  14. I think that Ginny is a teenager, around the age of 14/15 but as this would make her young around the death of her father she hasn't really moved on and still behaves like a young child.

    I believe that Ginnys father was never really there she only deamt his stories.

    I think Ginny is really scared of growing up

  15. I think the girl is around the age of 10-14. She is a confused girl that is still trying to overcome her fathers death.
    She must have been fairly young and was a daddy's girl that she still hasn't accepted the terms that he is dead.
    The stories that her father told her were related to her actually world.
    She is afraid of her father not being around her anymore, and not being able to tell her night time stories.


  16. i think the writer wants us to think that there is no ending and it will always be a ending mistery.
    Ginny seems to be around 10-15 years old, i think she is affraid of letting her father go,and she still belives her father is still alive and with her when she needs him also the shadows.Also her father is affraid of letting ginny go.
    Fear is created in this story by ginnys confustion with her fathers storties.
    fear is delt by
