Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It is here that I want you to mention the political cartoon (date) that you are looking at, and also:
1. what issue is being discussed,
2. what opinion the cartoonist has and also
3. how cartoons are like editorials.

Monday, August 10, 2009


You are to comment here about what you notice editorials have in common and what persuasive devices are used in the articles you look at.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


All of the answers to these questions are on this blog. As Revision test yourself and see if you can locate the answers.

1. Name as many different narrative styles as possible used in the text.
2. What are the reasons dor presenting the story in multiple ways?
3. Name the three items found in the cave
4. Who found the objects?
5. What part of the text is fact?
6. What are the names of the two murderers aboard the Batavia?
7. What year did the Batavia sink?
8. The simile “he had thick grey hair, like a steel pot scourer” is talking about who?
9. Why do authors use the rule of three like “unstable, impressionable and vulnerable”
10. What two techniques or symbols are used to generate suspense in the text?
11. Name the characters in the text.
12. Name which characters are linked and how?
13. What is the significance of the ring?
14. Name as many themes as possible in the text and provide an example.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Historical Context- Batavia

Follows these links to find more information on the Batavia


Themes/ Issues

Psychological Disorders/ Schitzophrenia/ Insanity
- Eg- In item 6 Messenger, a self-confessed 'neat freak', is somewhat shocked when he realises several days after the biology trip that he has left his sleeping bag out. "With all the goings on it was just stuffed into its drawstring cover. I was annoyed I had forgottento fix it, and now it was busting out all over my bedroom floor." Although this is only a minor symptom, we must remember that it was one of the first to appear and was during the early stages of theonset of schizophrenia

See's himself as powerful- schitzophrenics feel they are more powerful.
We seee this in the text with Steven Messenger feeling like he's flying over the world, looking down on everyone like he's God.
He also sees the 'other' Steven Messenger who is a version of himself but BETTER.

- Eg Steven can see the life of Jan Pelgrom- how?
When Steven puts on the ring he taps into Jan's world because it was Jan's ring.

We can't work out how this happens?

Steven Messenger at the Vacancy sign - 3 days after he disappears.

Steven Messenger also gets back to the Motel- quicker on foot than Nigel Kratzman does by car.

White Settlers – why are the aboriginals scared of the white flag that Jan and Wouter had on their sled?
- Because they reminded them of ships sails- it seems that ships have been there before and caused them harm

Makes us question who was the first white settlers on Australian soil.

Who murders who?
Steven Messenger murders Charlie Sunrise
Jan Pelgrom murders Lucky the dog and Ela- his wife
Jan and Wouter also murder women and children.



What do you think??

Are there more examples?


See Item 28
- The Ring is the symbol of dreams coming true and an avenue out of reality.
- Like in the story of El Dorado- the city of gold- “its mystery lives on as a symbol for every goal beyond attainment; every dream beyond reality”
- The ring helps Steven to see himself as something better than he feels he is “every goal beyond attainment”
- The ring also helps him to see into the life of Jan Pelgrom and Ela – he sees this in his dreams or “every dream beyond reality”. IS this reality or is it a fantasy ?

Cannibal Pot – symbol for death-

Vacancy Sign- like in horror movies, the flashing vacancy sign is a symbol for something bad being about to happen. It sets the mood for suspense.

Character Relationships

Steven Messenger and Jan Pelgrom- both are weak characters
- both are pale and thin
- both are murderers
- both are watched over by other characters because they are not mature enough to look after themselves (Steven by Nigel, Jan by Wouter)
- both are crazy to some extent
Nigel Kratzman and Wouter Loos- both are responsible for taking care of other characters
- strong, broad with dark hair
- both plead that their negative traits are the result of others.
- mature
Steven Messenger and Nigel Kratzman’s friendship like Wouter Loos and Jan Pelgrom friendship.
Both sets of characters are forced to be companions. Steven and Nigel because they live near each other, Wouter and Jan because they were exiled together.
They don’t like each other very much
Steven Messenger and the Other Steven Messenger
The other Steven Messenger is what Steven Messenger dreams of being- cool, tall, stands confidently in “jeans and a t-shirt” while the real Steven is described as ‘grey”.
The other Steven Messenger is also Steven’s link to Jan Pelgrom, when he first sees him in his dream he sees him surrounded by blood. Shows what he is capable of if he believes he is powerful, just like Jan could kill on the ship to impress his superiors.


Steven Messenger
- The main character in the text
- Quite a weak character
- ‘I’m a very tidy person. Very ordered’
- Immature

The OTHER Steven Messenger
- Who Steven Messenger wants to be
- Looks like James Dean
- Cool – “myself but not myself, in Jeans and a T-Shirt”

Nigel Kratzman
- Steven Messenger’s neighbour- forced to hang out with him because they both live in the middle of no-where.
- Responsible
- Mature- tells Steven not to kill bird
- Always fixing his car
- Nigel is not his real name, Steven made up his name and we only hear of Nigel through Steven’s eyes. More evidence he is crazy. Nigel is also the colloquial nick name for someone who is a square- Steven thinks Nigel is a suck-up… could be why he named him Nigel in his diary.

Charlie Sunrise
- Traditional aboriginal values
- Lives at the mission (place were homeless live)
- Connected with the past.

Wouter Loos
- Murderer and rapist
- Writes journal in text
- Looks after Jan Pelgrom- is in charge of him
- Tries to trade with the aboriginals.

Jan Pelgrom
- Rapist and murderer
- Psychopathic- because he murders to impress people he feels are better than him
- Has no emotion kills those he loves- Lucky and Ela
- Immature

- Only white girl present on the island.
- Vulnerable
- Whole family dies floating into WA on a raft.
- She is 16-18 years old with blonde hair and yellow/white skin

Dr Hope Micheals – Director of Maritime Archeology – which is ships and ocean history

Senior Sergeant Ron Norman- is the police officer that runs the investigation into the missing ring and the importance of the severed hand


The main language techniques in the text are:
Similes- “He had thick grey hair, like a steel pot scourer” p19 – makes the passage more descriptive-
Rule of Three- “unstable, impressionable and vulnerable” p43 – has an impact on the audience- easier to remember- makes reader pay attention
Short Sentences- emphasis the important parts of the text and generate suspense.

Fact vs. Fiction

The only thing in the text that is fact is the fact that there was a Dutch ship called the Batavia. There was also a massacre aboard the Batavia involving the death and rape of 120 women and children. Wouter Loos and Jan Pelgrom were a part of this. Everyone who was a part of this massacre were hung except for Wouter and Jan who were sent off the ship on a boat and forced to fend for themselves.
Everything else in the text is fiction – made up!!
It appears to be fact- eg through the narrative styles and also through tying in fiction with the real historical figures of Wouter and Jan.
The reason this is done is to make the story seem like it has more relevance and to make us really question the mental state of Steven, because we don’t really know what is fact or fiction in his story

Narrative Style

• The text is separated into
o Notes
o Newspaper articles
o Diary entries- Steven Messenger
o Journal Entries- Wouter Loos
o Audiotaped interview
o Reports
o Extracts from books eg ‘Famous Australian Murders’
o Letters/ letter to the editor
o Advertisement
The reason there are so many different ways of presenting the story is to:
• Show that there a multiple perspectives on history
• To show that the text is evidence based and to set the scene for gathering evidence- like a ‘who dunnit’
• To show that there is more than one interpretation for what happens in the text.

Strange Objects Plot Outline

Plot: Reading the text will make these notes make so much more sense!!

Steven Messenger finds a mummified hand inside a large pot which he names the ‘cannibal pot’, inside this pot is also a leather journal.

The mummified hand also had on it a gold ring which fell off into Steven’s sleeping bag when they were throwing the hand around the cave.

The hand and the ring belonged to a girl named Ela who was killed 300 years ago.

The journal is the recordings of Wouter Loos, a sailor who was exiled to the Western Australian coast along with Jan Pelgrom for being involved in the murder of 120 women, children and other sailers aboard the Dutch ship Batavia- that shipwrecked off the coast of W.A. Everyone else who was involved in these murders was hung.

Back at school an aboriginal character named Charlie Sunrise talks to the boys involved in finding the pot and hand about the significance of the hand. The hand was cut off in order to preserve the spirit of Ela, the rest of her body was hung in a tree covered in leaves to dry her body out- an ancient aboriginal ritual. He tells the boys that he knows a ring was on that hand originally. It is in this scene that we see Nigel Kratzman as a responsible and helpful boy as he offers Charlie his seat.

Dr Hope Micheals, the Director of the Western Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology writes a letter to Steven telling him how important the ring is to determining the owner of the ring and asks him to let her know if he knows anything.

Steven finds the ring in his sleeping bag, he decides to keep it.

The ring makes Steven dream and in these dreams are images of another Steven Messenger ( who looks like James Dean) a person who is cooler than he feels he is.

The ring also helps him see into the past and see images and events that happened in the lives of Jan Pelgrom and Ela. He sees Ela and her family (an event no-one else knows about), he sees the cave paintings which tell the story of Wouter and Jan and he adds Ela to the wall himself.

Charlie Sunrise knows that Steven has the ring and begins to follow him. He asks Steven to meet him and he takes Nigel and Steven to the caves where the paintings are. Inside the cave Charlie pulls the ring from his neck and then Steven kills Charlie.

Steven then runs away sending all that he knows about Ela and the ring to Dr Hope Micheals. We also find out that Steven’s father died before the ring incident- even though Steven talks about his father all through the text as being alive.
The text ends weird with many questions being unanswered, the main one is - is Steven mad or could he really see the past and another Steven Messenger?

The Story of Wouter Loos and Jan Pelgrom is also told within the text through the Journal of Wouter. As already mentioned Wouter and Jan were exiled for murdering and raping women and children. Wouter is in charge of looking after Jan.
When they were on the island the struggled to find food, for this reason and because Jan is a psychopath, he murdered his only companion- a dog named Lucky- for food.
The most telling part of Jan’s psychopathic nature is in that Lucky was his friend.

Wouter and Jan then find some aboriginals who are petrified of a white flag flying above the crate they made to pull along their ‘cannibal pot’ and belongings. They are so scared of this white flag because this resembles a ships flag- telling us that the aboriginals had had to deal with ships previously.

They become inhabitants of the aboriginal tribe but don’t really belong, they try to trade with them but can’t because what they consider valuable is so difference.
They then meet Ela and Jan falls in love with her. He marries her and gives her the gold ring he always wears around his neck.

Jan then kills Ela.