Monday, August 3, 2009

Historical Context- Batavia

Follows these links to find more information on the Batavia


  1. -Of the 341 people that were original on board the ship, only 68 returned home.
    -A group of men lead by Jeronimus Cornelisz, plot to kill rape and drown, a total over 125 men, women and children.

  2. Jan Pelgrom and Wouter Loos were just some of the people who killed and raped people on the ship. All the other convictd people were hung. But Jan pleaded for mercy and he and Wouter were sent away to defend for themselves. Wouter was to look after Jan because Jan was weak

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The story of the Batavia and the murders of the crew members is a true story which has been tied in with the book "Strang Objects". The Batavia was a ship that hit a coral reef. 340 people were aboard the ship on the 4th of June 1629, which was the night the ship hit the reef. Luckely, there were 3 small islands not far from the reef. Most of the people made it to saftey. One the survivors had made it to the island, the captain of the ship took a smalll boat and headed towards the Batavia's intended destination, Java. Because the captain had left the island, an officer called Jerome Cornelius took charge of the rest of the survivors. He knew the there short supply of food and fresh water would son run out so he tricked about 50 other survivors to shift to another island, where they thought there was food. There wasent and those 50 people all straved to death. On the other island, anybody who did not agree to follow Jerome Cornelius, was tortured, raped and murdered. 125 people were killed on the island which is now names "Batavia's Graveyard.

  5. On board the Batavia some of the people became involved in the planning of a mutiny. They devised a simple plan to start their mutiny. they would get some of their men to rape Lucretia van der Mijlen, one of the women on board.

  6. The Batavia was a new ship. There were 340 people. Just before the sunrise, the ship hit a coral reef near Geraldton on the 4th June 1629. 40 people drowned.
    Back on the island if people did not agree to join his band in the rescue ship, suffered torture, rape, and cruel death. 125 people were killed. The island was called "Batavia's Graveyard".

  7. In 1629 the ship 'Batavia' was on a journey to Java. On board of the ship were around 340 people and many valuable goods. On the 4th of June the ship crashed into coral reef 60km off the coast of Geraldton and one week later the ship was broken up.
    The survivors of the ship wreck made their way to nearby islands. On there way there approximately 40 people who drowned or were killed by sharks.
    Once they got to the island some of the men realised that there was not going to be enough fresh water and food supplies to last all the people. So when Palsaert took a small boat off the island to get more food, Cornelius was incharge of the remaining survivors on the island. Him and a number of other men torchured, raped and killed 125 people. This island was then called Batavia's graveyard.
    Palseart then arrived back to retrieve the remaining survivors finding out earlier that there had been a number of murders. Palseart arranged to all the murderers to be torchured by having their hands cut off and then they were hung from erected gallows. These killings were the first executions on australian soil.
    Two young men who were murderers and rapists managed to get out of the hanging. They were Wouter Loos aned Jan Pelgrom. They got sent of to the mainland of australia to eventually die.

  8. Gary Crew relates Jerome Cornelius and the murders of the Batavia's survivors to the story of Strnage Objects. He changes the names and also adds some parts which are not true such as Ela.

  9. The Batavia was a newly built ship that left port on the 29th of October but struck a reef on the 4th of June 1629 on Beacon Island (Western Australia).

  10. Fantastic job all of you!!

    A point to remember also is that the story of the Batavia is the only real/authentic fact in Strange Objects, everything else seems like it is fact but is actually fiction- made up by Gary Crew.

  11. the batavia is a boat that jan Pelgrom and Wouter loos was on and killed lots of people. they all so rapped many women and kids.... :)..xx

  12. the batavia is based ona true story,in wich 340 people had aborded the ship and on the ship,there were 125 people who were murded and raped by Jan & wouter.All of the other people were hung.The island was called "Batavia's Graveyard".♥

  13. The Bativia is a ship from 1600's. Jan Pelgrom and Wouter Loo's were 2 sailers on the Bativia, they both raped and murdered other people on the ship. =P

  14. The batavia was a newly built ship in 1629 with over 300 people on board, to be exact 341... out of them only 68 got to the island the rest were raped, tourchered, drowened and then killed..

  15. The Batavia is aboat that wasnt only in the book Strange Objects, it was actually a real boat :p

  16. A ship called the 'batavia' set sail for Java in 1629. Unfortunately later on, the ship wrecked on the coast of Western Australia. 340 passengers were on board. Many drowned, while others made it to shore. While the captain of the ship went in search of food and water, 120 men, women and children were raped and killed. Wouter Loos & Jan Pelgrom were involved in this, so they were sentenced to be hung.
    After begging and pleading Wouter and Jan were put in a small boat and sailed across the sea. They would eventually die.

  17. BATAVIA!

    -The ship Batavia set sail on the 4th June 1629 & didnt return
    -Hit a coral reef just off the shore of WA
    -340 people
    -valuable trading goods
    -120 men,women,and children were raped & killed
    -68 people got to the island
    - the island was called "Batavia's graveyard"
    -while the captain went in search for food & water, Wouter and Jan killed inoscent people
    -Jan Pelgrom & Wouter Loos were two young men that pleaded for mercy after the killings and rape of people
    -Many people drowned
    -Gary Crew mixes fact with fiction, making the evidence in the book actually seem like its real
    -Ela, there was no such evidence that she existed so this makes that part fiction
    -The batavia and Jan Pelgrom & Wouter Loos was actually fact

  18. great work guys.
    You have a pile of information now to work with to help you see how the Batavia and the mutiny ties in with Strange Objects.

    Does anyone have any suggestions why Gary Crew has juxtaposed fact with fiction in this text

  19. Gary Crew juxtaposes fact and fiction to make the fiction feel real. (if that makes sense) All the information about the batavia, massacre and Wouter and Jan is fact. The rest is fiction, everything! Including Steven and all the newspaper articles. Charlie Sunrise is not real!
    Gary Crew includes the fake items and characters to back up the rest, make it feel like a real story.
    (it worked, i thought it was all real) =)

  20. I think that Gary Crew uses juxtaposition to create dept in the book. By using fact and fiction together the book becomes more realistic, by adding reference to what Steven sees with the ring and what happened in Wouter Loos journal the book, although fiction, becomes more real. The reader belives the story about the Batavia and therefor belives Stevens story.

  21. Excellent fact and fiction discussion girls I really like how you are thinking about why Gary Crew writes the way he does.
