Sunday, August 9, 2009


All of the answers to these questions are on this blog. As Revision test yourself and see if you can locate the answers.

1. Name as many different narrative styles as possible used in the text.
2. What are the reasons dor presenting the story in multiple ways?
3. Name the three items found in the cave
4. Who found the objects?
5. What part of the text is fact?
6. What are the names of the two murderers aboard the Batavia?
7. What year did the Batavia sink?
8. The simile “he had thick grey hair, like a steel pot scourer” is talking about who?
9. Why do authors use the rule of three like “unstable, impressionable and vulnerable”
10. What two techniques or symbols are used to generate suspense in the text?
11. Name the characters in the text.
12. Name which characters are linked and how?
13. What is the significance of the ring?
14. Name as many themes as possible in the text and provide an example.

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