Monday, August 3, 2009

Narrative Style

• The text is separated into
o Notes
o Newspaper articles
o Diary entries- Steven Messenger
o Journal Entries- Wouter Loos
o Audiotaped interview
o Reports
o Extracts from books eg ‘Famous Australian Murders’
o Letters/ letter to the editor
o Advertisement
The reason there are so many different ways of presenting the story is to:
• Show that there a multiple perspectives on history
• To show that the text is evidence based and to set the scene for gathering evidence- like a ‘who dunnit’
• To show that there is more than one interpretation for what happens in the text.


  1. I think this narrative style would be really good to use to make a piece of writting more interesting. But you would have to make sure you use it well enough so that people don't get to confused. I intend on having a go at this type of writting style in the future just to see if i'm any good at it and see if in works to suck people into reading my piece.... bye bye

  2. I think that different narrative styles are great to use in a piece if writing. It really shows different opinions and perspectives of the text, used at the right time.

    YaaaaaH :)
