Monday, August 3, 2009

Character Relationships

Steven Messenger and Jan Pelgrom- both are weak characters
- both are pale and thin
- both are murderers
- both are watched over by other characters because they are not mature enough to look after themselves (Steven by Nigel, Jan by Wouter)
- both are crazy to some extent
Nigel Kratzman and Wouter Loos- both are responsible for taking care of other characters
- strong, broad with dark hair
- both plead that their negative traits are the result of others.
- mature
Steven Messenger and Nigel Kratzman’s friendship like Wouter Loos and Jan Pelgrom friendship.
Both sets of characters are forced to be companions. Steven and Nigel because they live near each other, Wouter and Jan because they were exiled together.
They don’t like each other very much
Steven Messenger and the Other Steven Messenger
The other Steven Messenger is what Steven Messenger dreams of being- cool, tall, stands confidently in “jeans and a t-shirt” while the real Steven is described as ‘grey”.
The other Steven Messenger is also Steven’s link to Jan Pelgrom, when he first sees him in his dream he sees him surrounded by blood. Shows what he is capable of if he believes he is powerful, just like Jan could kill on the ship to impress his superiors.


  1. Nigel and Wouter. One of the ways they are the same is, they are both made to hang around with people they do not like but look after them anyway....................................

  2. One of the ways the Nigel and Wouter are the same is becasue they both rapped and killed people. they are forced to hang out with people that they dont want to and they hate each other.... :)..xx

  3. In Strange Objects Wouter Loos is very similar to Nigel Kratzman because they both act like leaders and stick around with the other two people. Wouter Loos gets stranded on an island and is forced to share his food water and belongings with Jan Pelgrom even though Wouter does like like Jan one bit.
    There is a similar relationship with Nigel Kratzman and Steven Messenger. They both live in a small town with no other people so they spend some time together and hang out even when they don't want to. Unlike Jan and WOuter; Nigel and Steven are not forced to stick together but they just do because they want some company.
    Nigel is the Leader of him and Steven and Wouter is the leader of himself and Jan.

    Not only are Nigel and Wouter similar in the book Strange Objects but Jan and Steven are also very very alike.
    Jan Pelgrom is a pshychopathic murderer and he raped many children and women. Steven did not go to this extreme to murder many people and rape women and children but he did put a local aboriginal; Charlie Sunrise; to his death when Charlie was showing Steven walls of a cave which reveiled that charlie knew Steven was hiding the ring and he wanted to get the ring back to the police for the investigations.
    Jan Pelgrom did not only murder & rape many women and children but he also murdered his only friend ;Lucky; to eat him to atain his hunger. Some time after he also murdered his wife Ela.
    It may not seem that Steven is so much alike to Jan but Steven did get schizophrenia and Jan Pelgrom also may of had this too.

    These few reasons say that Jan Pelgrom and Steven Messenger are very alike and similar as are Nigel Kratzman and Wouter Loos.

  4. Great job guys!!
    Just remember Logz, Steven only killed he didn't rape- him and Jan are similar but not exactly the same

  5. in Strange Objects Steven Messenger and Jan Pelgrom are alike, because they are both weak men, murderers and pale and thin. they both have to be watched by Nigel and Wouter, because they can not look after themselves..

  6. i have a question???

    why did Jan kill Ela?? (anyone answer)

  7. There are many similarities (scuse spelling) between alot of the characters introduced in Strange Objects. Wouter Loos, Jan Pelgrom, Steven Messenger, Nigel Kratzman and the "other" Steven Messenger are all characters who share many of the same qualities and characaristics as another character in the book.

    Jan Pelgrom and Steven Messenger are an example of two characters who are very similar from one another. As mentioned in other comments, Jan is a physopathic murderer, banished to an island for killing and raping the people aboard the Batavia in 1629. Although Stenven Messenger didnt kill, rape or torture 120 people, he did infact kill Charlie Sunrise, an Aboriginal who knew alot about the ring that Steven was then keeping hidden. Like Jan, Steven is also beleived to have a very vivid imagination and is also thought to be suffering Schizofinia which is eveident in many parts throughout the book.

    Wouter Loos and Nigel Kratzman are two charcters who are both forced to befreind an lead another character. In both cases, this is not done intensionally, but by force. Nigel living only a short distance away from Stevens house is forced to ucomponie Steven as there is no one else. Like Nigel, Wouter Loos is forced to share is food and water with a phycopath boy who is threatening to kill him.

  8. Brittney,
    To get his ring back. :)
    ( which he didnt get anyway)

  9. how was Jan crazy i need examples!!!


    Although different ages, different body structures and different personalities are (I think) actually quite the same.
    For example:
    -they both kill women and children (although Jan does it to impress others)
    -they both turn/become Psychopaths
    -they feel the same about the only white girl in the tribe(Ela)
    -their lives are spared during the Hanging of the other Murderers
    -they only hang around with each other because there is no one else

    well thats what I think...........

  11. there are many examples in the text which inforce similarities between people.

    Jan & steven- although steven didnt rape people he did infact kill a local aboriginal (charlie sunrise), they were the same sort of build and had a similiar feature. Jan although killed and raped women and children, they were both pschotic and had mental problems.

    wouter & Nigel- wouter and nigel are very similiar in character even if they didnt look the same.
    Wouter was like a parent to steven and looked after him when they were in-need of help. even when steven was threatening wouter. Even when wouter didnt like steven he was still forced to be-friend with him.

    Nigel was also forced to be friends steven because of were exactly they lived. steven always pretended in whatever nigel was into, even though he didnt care.
    Nigel also looked after steven when steven started to go loopy! In fact they both hated each other.
